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    Accidents are unpredictable, but the behaviors that cause accidents are often inherently dangerous and likely to cause serious bodily injury or death. Texting while driving, ignoring traffic signals, and driving while intoxicated are all examples of actions that make accidents more likely to occur. A Fort Worth personal injury attorney in Texas, can help you if you suffered personal injury during an accident.

    Suffering a personal injury is a traumatic experience, and if you or a loved one were harmed during an accident, you might need a skilled personal injury attorney in Fort Worth, Texas.

    Contact Arash Law today to schedule a free consultation during which we can discuss the facts of your case. Call the office at (888) 398-4017 to learn more about the legal services we offer. If you or a loved one suffered a serious bodily injury, we could help you recover the financial compensation you deserve.

    Which Actions Will A Personal Injury Attorney Take On My Behalf?

    If you or a loved one suffered serious bodily injury or death due to the negligent actions of another party, you have legal rights under Texas law that permit you to claim financial compensation for the injuries you suffered as a result of the accident. You might file a claim for negligence if another individual caused you to suffer injuries during a workplace accident, slip and fall, or motor vehicle collision. 

    When you retain a personal injury attorney, he or she will examine the facts of your case, develop long-term strategies, and stand up to insurance companies to obtain the monetary compensation you deserve. Retaining a personal injury attorney means your legal representative will handle the following tasks for you:

    • Identifying expert witnesses 
    • Examining the accident scene
    • Collecting information from those who witnessed the accident 
    • Determining which parties are liable for your injuries 
    • Formulating a long-term case strategy 
    • Speaking to insurance claims adjusters 
    • Filing a complaint in state or federal court
    • Providing financial assistance for medical treatment 
    • Demanding optimum insurance settlement value

    Your personal injury attorney will deal with administrative deadlines and complex paperwork to enable you to heal from the injuries you suffered during the accident.

    How Do I Know I Have A Personal Injury Case?

    The primary elements of a personal injury claim under Texas law are as follows:

    1. You experienced injuries. These may be emotional trauma, psychological suffering, or serious bodily injury. Each of these injuries may occur during a motor vehicle collision, a slip and fall accident, and a pedestrian accident. You may also claim injuries related to medical bills and lost wages.
    2. Another party caused your injuries. Someone other than yourself must have caused your injuries. You may have a personal injury case if you were an injured victim and another party performed a negligent act that caused your injuries.
    3. The party responsible for your injuries can provide economic compensation. You cannot obtain financial compensation from an impoverished person. If the party responsible for your injuries possesses no assets or insurance, then you will not be able to recover compensation for your injuries. Fortunately, the majority of individuals have homeowner’s insurance and automotive insurance. Large corporations and shipping companies often have complex insurance policies. A skilled personal injury lawyer will work closely with the negligent party’s insurance company to obtain the monetary compensation you deserve.

    Arash Law In Fort Worth, Texas Handles The Following Types Of Personal Injury Cases

    The personal injury attorneys at Arash Law take on the following personal injury cases:

      • Dog Bite Cases – Dog bite cases may cause serious bodily injury by leading to bacterial infections, amputations, and death. In the majority of dog bite cases, the dog’s owner is liable for injuries suffered by the victim.
      • Motor Vehicle Accident – Traffic collisions can alter the course of your life in a matter of seconds. If you suffered a serious bodily injury while driving in Fort Worth and another party caused your injuries, a Fort Worth personal injury attorney can fight for the financial compensation you deserve. An experienced personal injury attorney at Arash Law will analyze the collision and inform you of the next steps you should take. Arash Law charges no consultation fee.
      • Cycling Accidents – Spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and bone fractures are all common during cycling accidents. An injured bicyclist can demand financial compensation for the injuries he or she suffered due to the negligent actions of another party.
      • Trucking Accidents – Commercial trucks, semi-trailer trucks, and other large vehicles cause serious traffic collisions in Texas every year. A knowledgeable personal injury attorney could protect your legal rights if you or a loved one suffered bodily injury in an accident caused by a truck driver.
      • Products Liability – Design defects and manufacturing defects can cause serious bodily injuries to users and bystanders. A skilled personal injury attorney may be the first individual to discover that a defect made a product dangerous. You likely have a viable claim against a manufacturer, retailer, or wholesaler if serious bodily injury or death results from using the defective product.
      • Pedestrian Accidents – Pedestrians who are crossing an intersection or standing near a road are at risk of suffering an injury at the hands of negligent drivers. Accidents involving pedestrians may result in fatalities. Pedestrian accident victims can recover for the damages caused by a negligent party.
      • Premises Liability – Premises liability cases involve unsafe conditions on someone else’s property. These accidents often involve faulty material such as deteriorating stairs, poor lighting, and wet surfaces. An experienced personal injury attorney will provide you with a clear understanding of your options for pursuing a premises liability case.
      • Motorcycle Accidents – Negligent drivers often navigate roads without considering the safety of motorcyclists. Retaining a Fort Worth personal injury attorney will help you obtain the maximum value for your motorcycle accident case.
      • Workplace Injuries – If you suffered an injury while working in the course and scope of your employment, you need to consult a workers’ compensation attorney. If your employer does not adhere to laws regarding workers’ compensation, our personal injury attorneys  in Fort Worth, Texas, can help you understand your legal options.
      • Wrongful Death – Losing a loved one is devastating. A wrongful death attorney at Arash Law could represent the decedent’s estate if your loved one died due to the negligence of another party.
      • Construction Accidents – Many employees are injured on construction sites throughout the State of Texas every year. If you suffered a personal injury on a construction site, the personal injury attorneys at Arash Law could provide you exceptional legal representation.
      • Traumatic Brain Injuries – Traumatic brain injuries may cause permanent disability, neurological problems, and paralysis. The personal injury attorneys at Arash Law have the experience and knowledge necessary to represent you or your loved ones in a traumatic brain injury case. These cases are complex and often involve testimony given by multiple expert witnesses.
      • Distracted Driving Accidents – Driving while intoxicated is one of the most egregious forms of distracted driving. If you or a loved one suffered an injury due to the negligence of a drunk driver, then he or she should be held liable for their actions. Individuals who suffer personal injury at the hands of a drunk driver are entitled to financial compensation for their damages.

      • Uninsured Motor Vehicle Collision
        – Uninsured, underinsured, and hit-and-run drivers all pose complex problems for injured victims. If you were injured by one of these drivers, contact a Fort Worth personal injury attorney today. Our attorneys have experience representing injured victims who were struck by uninsured motorists.

    Texas Statutes And Personal Injury Cases

    Every state in the United States has its own statutes and laws. The majority of personal injury cases are filed in state court. Elements of specific causes of action may vary by state. Each jurisdiction determines the statute of limitations and limits on the amount of damages a party can be awarded. The following are among the most relevant statutes concerning personal injury law in the State of Texas:

    • Statute of Limitations. If you miss the statute of limitations deadline for filing your personal injury claim, you will lose your ability to obtain financial compensation for your injuries. The State of Texas has a two-year statute of limitations on personal injury actions. You must bring your claim within two years from the date of the injury or the date you discovered the injury.
    • Government Claims. Most state governments claim sovereign immunity from tort claims. The state government in Texas waives sovereign immunity for specific claims. Specific time limits govern when parties are permitted to file claims against state or local governments. Most injured parties have six months from the date of the injury to file a personal injury claim.
    • Shared Fault. If you are found contributorily negligent in your case, you can still recover financial compensation for your injuries. The State of Texas adopted a modified comparative negligence system. If the court finds you 50% responsible or less for the incident, then you will still receive apportioned compensation. Courts reduce the financial award you will receive by your percentage of fault.
    • Dog Bite Regulations. The State of Texas does not have a specific dog bite statute. Every dog bite claim is analyzed on a case-by-case basis. Dog owners in Texas will be liable if the owner knew or should have known that the animal had violent propensities. Texas follows a one-bite rule concerning dog bite cases.
    • Damages Caps. Many personal injury actions in Texas have limits on the amount of damages an injured victim can recover. Plaintiffs are entitled to a maximum of $250,000 for each defendant and $500,000 in total non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases. This total includes damages related to pain and suffering. Wrongful death medical malpractice damages are capped at approximately $1.9 million.

    How Long Will My Injury Case Take?

    The majority of civil cases settle before trial, and only a small fraction of cases proceed to trial. It is impossible to place an exact timeframe on any personal injury case in Texas. The specific court and the jurisdiction will partly determine when the case settles or goes to trial. Most personal injury actions will be resolved within two years of filing a complaint.

    Getting The Most Value Out Of Your Personal Injury Settlement

    Insurance companies will scrutinize every action you take after the accident in which you suffered a personal injury. Understanding your legal rights and the steps you can take to increase your settlement offer will help you maximize the potential value of your case.

    The following actions will help you obtain the greatest amount of monetary compensation:

    • Determine the total amount of past, present, and future damages 
    • Seek medical treatment as soon as possible after the incident
    • Never accept the first offer presented to you by an insurance company
    • Analyze and protect every piece of evidence regarding the incident 
    • Remain focused on the total amount of your damages 
    • File a complaint as soon as you have finished your medical treatment

    Retaining a personal injury attorney in Fort Worth, Texas, will help you enforce your legal rights and obtain the financial compensation you deserve. A knowledgeable personal injury attorney can provide you with guidance and legal advice. Your personal injury attorney will help you understand what you should and should not post on social media and how to communicate with others regarding your personal injury case. 

    We understand the legal system. The attorneys at Arash Law are prepared, skilled, and knowledgeable. We have more than thirty years of experience handling personal injury cases in Texas courts. You can focus on healing from your injuries while we handle the technical aspects of your case. Our skilled attorneys will provide you with detailed updates regarding the status of your case. Retaining the right personal injury attorney can make a difference in your case. Exceptional legal representation will help you and your loved ones heal and move on with your lives.

    Contact Arash Law Today To Schedule A Free Consultation With A Fort Worth Personal Injury Attorney

    Contact Arash Law to schedule a free consultation during which we can analyze the facts of your case. Call (888) 398-4017 to learn more about the legal services we offer.

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